DAF unit replacement supports major plant expansion

DAF unit replacement supports major plant expansion

December 3, 2013 — A local waste oil recycling plant has recently purchased another FS-30 to replace an existing DAF unit to support a major plant expansion. Prior to this purchase they used a JNE Environmental FS-30 DAF to pre-treat their wastewater through the use of JNE 3111C dewatering polymer, and then through the use of JNE 709 and JNE 3003 to produce a flocculated wastewater.

This wastewater is then processed through an existing DAF unit. This DAF unit has been upgraded to an FS-30 to increase their wastewater plants capacity and removal efficiency. JNE Environmental strives to continually keep our clients satisfied and nothing proves this more then repeat sales.

We take the worry out of your wastewater.

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