Rental Unit Boosts Treatment Power for Steel Manufacturer
Rental Unit Boosts Treatment Power for Steel Manufacturer
Our recycled air stream (RAS) wastewater treatment system can provide a helpful assist, even as a smaller rental unit.
When your wastewater treatment Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) unit cannot deliver enough dissolved air to float the flocculated waste, it will not separate the clear water as intended. When this happens, you can contact JNE Environmental for a free, on-site assessment to determine if a repair or upgrade is required.
A prominent steel coke manufacturer in Detroit experienced this particular issue and reached out to JNE Environmental for assistance. Their dissolved air treatment system was not capable of floating their sludge waste and was performing well below acceptable standards. JNE proposed a new, properly engineered recycled air stream (RAS) system to deliver sufficient dissolved air into their chemically treated waste stream. This would allow all the sludge waste to be floated to the top and skimmed out.
The customer agreed to the upgrade — however, they still did not have a properly functioning DAF unit while the RAS unit was being manufactured. To help with this, JNE offered to ship a smaller rental RAS system to supplement their existing equipment until manufacturing on the full size replacement could be completed. This was quite effective and demonstrated what the new, larger unit would be capable of.

JNE’s RAS rental unit.

Dissolved air produced by the RAS rental unit.
The final, full-size RAS system has since been shipped, installed and commissioned and this customer has never been happier with their DAF performance.

Full-size RAS unit being prepared for shipment.
Does your DAF perform poorly or not deliver enough dissolved air to float all your flocculated waste from your wastewater? Contact JNE Environmental —we can provide you with a solution custom-designed and manufactured right here in Southern Ontario.