Chemical Solutions
Our products can eliminate sewer surcharges, minimize wastewater per gallon cost and minimize boiler/cooling tower operating costs.
JNE Environmental’s line of engineered coagulants, flocculants, cooling tower and boiler, pH correction and dewatering chemicals serve a wide variety of industries. We can install completely new systems and optimize the wastewater treatment process. Contact us today to find out which of our products is right for you.
Our products can eliminate sewer surcharges, minimize wastewater per gallon cost and minimize boiler/cooling tower operating costs.
JNE Environmental’s line of engineered coagulants, flocculants, cooling tower and boiler, pH correction and dewatering chemicals serve a wide variety of industries. We can install completely new systems and optimize the wastewater treatment process. Contact us today to find out which of our products is right for you.